Thursday, October 30, 2008

God's Grace

I really could use some down time, but it does not look like that will happen until after the holidays. That is okay, though. 'Tis the season! :) Besides, I have so much to look forward to! I have been going to my Bible study and loving it and have really been growing in Christ through this. I have stepped out in my faith more boldly than ever before and God is working wonders! I am at peace with things that before were unbearable and have hoped in things I dared not hope for! I brought my sons forward to be dedicated at church and I am so happy I did! They are such a huge blessing in my life and to truly commit to raising them in faith is the best gift I could ever give them. Pastor Nick prayed over them and I know God has some wonderful plans for their lives. He also prayed over me and sometime God just speaks to him and he has become quick to tell all what God has told him. What a blessing he is! He said my faith inspires him, which surprised me! And then he said God delights in me...God delights in me?! WOW!!! I am honored just at the thought! He then went on to say that in the next year I will see God answering my prayers! I have things that I pray about everyday and have for years! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me and how he will answer my prayers! WOW!!!! WOW!!!! I will share these experiences with you as time goes on. He is so faithful, isn't He?! He has my boys in His hands and I have no problem trusting Him with them. With everything we have gone through I feel like I have given Dade over to Him and He is the one who has cared for him for so long. As hard as it has been, Dade has made it through this hard time better than I would have ever expected. Now that is God's grace!

Tuesday night Beth Moore was talking about how Jesus prayed, "If this cup can pass, please let it pass, but Your will be done." Think about that. Let this cup pass...Jesus knew what He was about to go through and He was frightened. He did not really want to go through with it unless it was God's will. If God would spare anyone He would have spared His only son, but He did not. It was necessary. If God could spare us our own heartaches He would, but I think sometimes it is critical for what He has planned. His will and not our own be done. It will be best in the end, although it sure can be hard to get through. I can say this though, with all the traumatic things I have survived in my life, there is not one I would take away or change. And yes, that is the grace of God! He has given me peace through things I had not one reason to feel peaceful about. He gave me joy when I had nothing to even bring a smile to my face. How amazing is He! Praise God!

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is surely a wonderful and magnificent God! I am glad that you are enjoying Bible study. Ours starts next Thursday and I am so anxious to get started. I had been out of the loop for awhile due to my job schedule. But now I will be back and I can't wait!!! I feel like our studies are a necessity in my life. It keeps me focused!